Tuesday, October 22, 2024
On October 7th, Uber drivers at Pearson Airport held an impromptu protest. They then aligned with Rideshare Drivers Association of Ontario to organize a second protest, with a permit from GTAA, on October 17th. Photo: X/Anti-Taxxer
Democracy & GovernmentOpinion/ColumnRide Hailing newsTaxi industry news

Advice to protesters: quit Uber

Uber and government have their hands in your pocket: Kerametlian

“All Uber drivers should quit driving for Uber or Lyft and ask the government to enforce bylaws of Taxicab and become Taxi drivers as the market requires.”

GTAA licensed driver
Vazken Karametlian

An open letter from GTAA licensed driver Vazken Kerametlian 

It’s time to seriously reconsider getting rid of this ride share operation completely: after all, Uber and Lyft are nothing but dispatch companies.

All these private car operators who are offering ride shares with their private cars, they should be regulated like every other Taxi operator.

Let’s face it, in reality all these drivers running around with Uber and Lyft Signs on their vehicles are nothing but a gypsy cab service provider, and we call them “gypsy Taxis” because they don’t have any Taxi permits on their vehicles, and drivers are not licensed as Taxi drivers.

Uber and Lyft drivers should become proper Taxi operators: this way the number of vehicles can be limited, and the proper number of operators on the street can make a decent living. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time for everybody.

You all should go back and read the article published, “Uber needs suckers.”

Unfortunately, all these drivers are nothing but suckers, who are sucked into a situation by Uber and Lyft buying cars and joining this dispatch service called “Uber and Lyft ride-share.” But the market is limited, the pie is only so big and these companies are taking half the revenue. The other half has to be shared by hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting desperate people driving their cars as Uber and Lyft vehicles. 

Wake up, all Uber and Lyft drivers! You don’t understand that eventually when ROBO-TAXI show up, you’re all out of work, right? You are nobody to them but a disposable slave. You will be stuck paying for your private cars; no one cares about your investment. Now, remember Uber is only using drivers to promote their brand until self-driving robot Taxi cabs are introduced. 

All Uber drivers should quit driving for Uber or Lyft and ask the government to enforce bylaws of Taxicab and become Taxi drivers as the market requires.  

All municipal provincial and federal governments across Canada, resume enforcing Taxi bylaws, and make one Taxi law for the entire province and country, one set of rules so everybody to know what the rules are.

 I would urge Taxi news to republish the article, “Uber needs suckers.”

In the meantime, let Uber buy their own vehicles and pay salary for these drivers until such time they get their ROBO-Taxi to replace them.

Uber and Lyft drivers, get rid of your cars now before it’s too late and find yourself a job other than driving. Stop believing drivers are going make a fortune driving around, while everybody else has a hand in your pockets, especially the municipalities and Uber and Lyft shareholders.