Monday, May 6, 2024
Laugh a LittleTrucking

Where is the RWN review of “Elvis”?

Photo: Mike Murchison

Given that he might qualify as the most famous truck driver of all time (Elvis Aaron Presley was driving a truck for a living before he made it big in music), readers are asking why Road Warrior News has not reviewed the new Elvis movie starring Austin Butler and directed by Baz Luhrmann.

In fact, our frequent contributor, musician, photographer, writer and Truck driver Mike Murchison is actually a talented and accomplished Elvis Impersonator, and has promised to write a review of the film as soon as it is possible to do so: “It hasn’t opened in Lethbridge yet,” he points out. “This is not Toronto. As soon as it opens in Lethbridge, I promise to see it and review it.”

Stay tuned!