Monday, March 3, 2025

Slippery drivers could not escape law enforcement

Photo credit: RWN file image

On August 6th, Ontario issued a Court Bulletin detailing the charges and convictions against two truck drivers who dumped thousands of litres of used cooking grease in a protected area.

At the time of the violations, Mississauga headquartered company O&B Corporation was in the business of collecting waste cooking oil from restaurants, and then removing water/impurities to render a product known as “yellow grease”. This product was then sold for use in the production of biodiesel fuel.

Safarli Musa Vaqif and Mirkomol Khidoyatov were occasionally hired by O&B Corporation.

The waste cooking oil rendering process creates substantial quantities of liquid waste, which must then be disposed of at an approved waste disposal site.

On or about September 30, 2018, the company enlisted Safarli Musa Vaqif and Mirkomol Khidoyatov to assist with the disposal of a waste grease mixture that the company had accumulated.

Between 3,000 and 4,000 litres of accumulated waste grease mixture was loaded onto a vacuum tanker truck operated by O&B, and Safarli Musa Vaqif drove the truck to a parking lot at the back of a commercial property on Davand Drive in Mississauga, and then parked it next to a railing overlooking a Mississauga owned marsh/ravine greenspace.

Safarli Musa Vaqif and Mirkomol Khidoyatov along with the owner of O&B, used a hose connected to the vacuum truck to discharge all of the waste grease mixture from the vacuum truck over the railing and down into the ravine/marsh.

The greenspace area is designated a “significant natural area” and includes a tributary that flows through the ravine/marsh directly into Etobicoke Creek. The ravine provides habitat for a variety of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles.

The waste grease mixture discharged into the ravine is a contaminant and was likely to cause adverse effects including interference with the respiration of plants and invertebrates resulting in the death of these organisms. The discharges also caused foul odours as the rancid grease began to decompose, which impacted neighbouring businesses.

The ministry’s Environmental Investigations and Enforcement Branch investigated and laid charges which resulted in the convictions.

Convicted – Safarli Musa Vaqif and Mirkomol Khidoyatov

Court Location – Mississauga

Description of Offence – The convictions relate to permitting the discharge of a contaminant, namely oil and/or grease waste, into the natural environment.

Date of Offence – On or about September 30, 2018

Date of Convictions –

  • On February 2, 2021, Safarli Musa Vaqif plead guilty to one violation
  • On June 22, 2021, Mirkomol Khidoyatov plead guilty to one violation

Penalty Imposed –

  • On February 2, 2021, Safarli Vaquif was fined $5,000 plus a victim fine surcharge of $1,250 with 18 months to pay the fine.
  • On June 22, 2021, Mirkomol Khidoyatov was fined $5,000 plus a victim fine surcharge of $1,250, with one year to pay the fine.
  • The convictions against Mr. Vaquif and Mr. Khidoyatov relate to permitting the discharge of oil and/or grease waste, into the natural environment, that was likely to cause an adverse effect.