Thursday, March 13, 2025

$1100 per-truck exception assessment fee at Metro Port of Vancouver

Trucks over 10 years old will be subject to an $1100 assessment fee for a 20-month exception to the Metro Port of Vancouver’s Rolling Truck Age Program.     Photo credit: Mike Murchison

UPDATED JULY 19, 2021 – Fees to access the Metro Port of Vancouver have been released.

In an email, Issues Manager and Senior Advisor Matti Polychronis told Road Warrior News, “The Truck Exception Application Fee Per application submitted $1,100.00 per vehicle, plus applicable taxes. The exception will last for 20 months.”

Polychronis suggested readers visit the chart related to the specifics of the truck affected with age in consideration at this link:

AS RWN reported on July 15th, the Port Metro Vancouver is implementing a new system which will evenutally ban trucks older than ten years beginning in 2022 as part of its Rolling Truck Age Program.

The plans to download more costs onto drivers during the pandemic is the wrong move and could lead to instability at the port, says Unifor.

“The federal government needs to put the brakes on this program until truckers are consulted about the best way to retire aging trucks,” said Jerry Dias, Unifor National President. “We can’t trust the port’s management to do the right thing. This requires government leadership to bring together the parties to achieve a fair solution.”

Beginning in August, the port authority will review exception applications on a case-by-case basis. The last day to submit a complete application will be on December 14, 2021. Truck exception applications received during this time will require those trucks to meet or exceed the port authority-established safety, environmental and aesthetic standards of a TLS-compliant 2013 truck.

According to the Port Metro Vancouver website, “All container trucking companies and their trucks desiring to serve the port’s marine container terminals must meet certain criteria to be eligible for an Access Agreement under the Truck Licensing System to gain access to the federally-owned port property. Criteria includes minimum truck age, safety and environmental requirements.

“The Port of Vancouver was the first port in Canada with stringent environmental requirements for port container drayage trucks to reduce air emissions…the key environmental requirement for truck approval in Truck Licensing System target truck age restrictions.”

Unifor has resisted the proposed program for years, and even fought it in the courts in 2017. The union is renewing its demands to consult truck drivers about the fairest way to transition to newer trucks that doesn’t penalize drivers financially.

Unifor is calling for a two-year pause in the implementation of the truck age program. To encourage better policy-making in the sector, Unifor is seeking the establishment of a joint advisory council involving truckers, employers, the B.C. government and the federal government.

“COVID-19 has been a difficult time for port truckers and their families, but PMV Chief Executive Officer Robin Sylvester doesn’t get that,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor Western Regional Director. “We need Minister Alghabra to step in, press pause, and set up a process with his B.C. counterpart to properly consult those who will be impacted.”