Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Taxi industry news

Accessible training refreshers: Co-op’s course is approved by MLS

The information below has been provided by Jamil Elannan in Toronto’s Licensing and Standards division for drivers with questions regarding Accessiblity refresher training:

“We inform clients that they can take the Co-ops refresher, as it is approved, or any one of the full accessible courses to satisfy the accessible refresher requirement.  I’ve included a link to our website of the approved vendors (Taxicab or Limousine Driver (Vehicle-for-Hire Driver) – City of Toronto).   The approved vendors are listed under the Accessible Driver Training tab.

MLS does not have a say in the cost of the course as it’s provided by a third-party vendor.

When clients obtain their certificate, they can upload it through our online renewal portal.  I’ve also included our step by step guide for their reference.

Thank you,

Jamil Elannan, MLS”