Curbside patios “sheer madness”
RE: 64% decrease in curbside patios
To the Editor,
T.O.’s traffic woes can be traced to a single source; namely the auto-centric mindset at City Hall, especially in the period following WW2.
For proof, one need only look at the Gardiner Expressway, constructed between 1955-1966. Had it not been for heritage activists, led by Pierre Berton, the route would have taken it straight through Fort York, a National Heritage site. Since its completion, the Gardiner has been a visual and physical barrier between the residents of Toronto and its waterfront. Billions have been spent maintaining this eyesore.
Until and unless City Hall prioritizes a transit/active transportation philosophy, congestion will continue to mount. As for sidewalk cafes, sheer and utter madness, given their proximity to automobile and truck exhaust.
Peter Pellier